Sunday Morning in Quarantine

There is something quite mystical about the "June Gloom" that descends on us here in Orange County, this time of the year. In fact it feels it has come a little early this year.

But then this has not been a normal year has it? 2020 launched out with much promise and prophetic speculation. Yet who knew...I mean who knew that a tiny virus would bring the world to a stand still?

Oh the pain, turmoil and uncertainty has brought much anxiety, fear and of course even death. Our compassion and empathy for those who have stumbled into that broken new normal. Our love, prayers, service and generosity will hopefully soften the blow of this trauma.

But, from my father's heart, I am also reflective on what the Father may be trying to catch our attention with. No-one can, with any real humility, pretend to proclaim the total understanding of the Father's yearning in this "June Gloom".

We will spend a few conversations exploring what the Father could be calling us too in these misty mornings.

Beyond any doubt there is a beckoning to come and sit at his feet. In all of my years of living on project planet earth, I have never sensed so clearly a call to "quiet, shhhh, stop, come, sit, listen". It is almost as if the Father has gotten us out of the rat race of our self destroying lives of busyness and panic, and he invites us into the "monasteries of our homes".

Bernard of Clairvaux (1090 - 1153) taught 86 messages from the Song of Songs although that only covered the first 2 chapters this biblical poetry (from John Stott). But then he spent time on the 3 kisses of Jesus - his feet, hand and mouth. This progressive walk of ever deepening intimacy with Jesus, a union of soul with Jesus. The kiss of his feet was to prostrate ourselves before him in humble penitence (like Mary did). The second kiss was that of his hand in which we are filled with gratitude  that he is the "giver of good gifts". We are the beneficiaries of these acts of divine kindness that removes ambition, jealousy and inner vocational angst. But the third kiss is deeply intimate and a reflection of the groom and the bride in full union. This "ultimate kiss" is a declaration "my love is mine and I am his" (2:16).

What an invitation this morning to sit at his feet, to engage with precious beautiful Jesus, to feel his touch, to encounter his words of love, comfort and affection and to worship the lover of our soul.

The coffee  (or tea) that tasted so sweet on parched lips, and the reading of the sacred text that nurtures the early morning soul, reminds me "how great the love the Father has lavished on us" (1 John 3:1)


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